The Common Core State Standards require students to take
more responsibility for learning and for reporting what they actually know and
can do. This takes practice. It is much like changing from riding a tricycle to
a bicycle. You can ride both on the same course but the bicycle requires that
you learn to balance. And once you learn to ride the bicycle you will never go
back to the tricycle.
Most standardized assessments assume a linear increase in
knowledge and skills. This is acceptable at lower levels of thinking (with
training wheels). But at some point, sooner for some students and tasks and
later for other students and tasks, there is a large leap from rote memory to
understanding. Students see this as an escape from a boring and seemingly never
ending task, of following the teacher, to the freedom of realizing there are
limits in which things are related in such a way they make sense and give a
feeling of completeness, of mastery, of empowerment.
I know my A, B, Cs.
I know my A, B, Cs.
I can get a 90 degree angle from any 3, 4, 5 unit triangle.
I can increase my energy level by eating a good breakfast and not stuffing before going to bed.
Many highly marketed products are not worth buying.
What I want now and what I need are not the same thing.
The difference between traditional classroom multiple-choice and cafeteria multiple-choice is I must mark each question on the test but I don’t have to eat one of each product on the counter.
Getting from one place to another can be very complicated but at each intersection I have just three options.
Nebraska in 2009 created standardized tests that reflect the
judgment of classroom teachers (see prior posts). The tests currently do no
reflect the judgment of students. The relationship of what part teacher and
student judgment plays in determining raw scores on the Nebraska tests is
estimated in the chart. The contribution each makes as the scores increase is
not a linear event.
Teachers must do the heavy lifting until students develop that
sense of responsibility needed to learn and report at higher levels of
thinking. There is a shift from being dependent to being independent. This is a
basic tenant of the Common Core State Standards movement.
[The opposing view is that children naturally have the
behavior of learning like a scientist: observe, question, answers, verify. This
is how they learn to walk and talk and mimic adult behavior. If this natural
behavior had not been suppressed in their early school years, there would be no
need to bring it back into play later, in my case, working with underprepared
college freshmen who often behaved like passive middle school pupils.]
Once students have observed that they can succeed, that they
are self-empowered, they still need teacher judgment to guide them. We are then
dealing with a student who knows and can trust what is known as the basis for
further learning and instruction. The student is now free to be innovative and
creative, to, in my case, elect to take part in voluntary projects and oral
reports to the class. These students modeled for others in the class how to be
successful: make sense of assignments, and their own questions, rather than
memorize nonsense.
[The difference between expected and observed results in the
sciences and engineering is referred to as error. That same variation in arts
and letters is referred to as being innovative and creative. And in medicine
and social affairs, life/death and promotion/prison.]
Children want to learn to ride a bicycle, a skateboard, and
to swim. Learning is scary but instantly rewarding. The Educational Software Cooperative,
non-profit, was formed in 1994 to promote that same environment for students on
computers. Now a more advanced environment, for the same software, is available
on tablets and the Internet. When
they feel prepared they can report using software that measures both knowledge
and judgment at all levels of thinking (Winsteps, partial credit Rasch model; and
Power Up Plus, Knowledge and Judgment
Scoring). A quantity and quality scored test can sort out which students
are just repeating instruction and which students are reporting what they trust
they know and can do.
In the future, I expect that assessment will be such an
integrated function that it will be recorded as students learn at lower levels
of thinking or in the classroom at all levels of thinking. Online courses are
now doing this. The classroom of the future, IMHO, will still provide safe day
care, teacher moderated group learning and assessment, and software learning
and assessment for individual students. Equal emphasis will be placed on
students learning and on their development as self-correcting, self-motivated
high quality achievers. Success on Common Core State Standards tests will
require such students.
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